The recent catastrophic disasters are not over with in regards to recovery &the aftermath of mold, virus, microbes & toxic air from fire retardant to pesticide sprays being sprayed over the damaged areas. There is an outbreak of colds, flu & respiratory problems in many of the recovery areas. Even the bubonic plague was reported this summer in New Mexico.
I was asked what I would do to combat such illnesses. Herein are a few things I would personally do. Thus, following is a brief response you may find helpful. (Please note: although, I’ve had great success using such remedies for me & my family — I’m not a licensed physician. This is based on my experiences of 35+ years & training I’ve received. So, take responsibility for your health, seek Elohim & any health provider that may be appropriate for you & your family. Additionally, there are many other natural ways to achieve health. What I’m sharing herein is what has worked for me & my family & friends.
Currently, you may watch the FREE impromptu video teaching I did on this topic via our private YouTube link. Additionally, you may purchase this teaching on DVD for a $15 donation. The $15 includes shipping if you order separately or if you place with an order. If you place an order, please go to the donation link to donate & then email me to let me know to include the DVD in your product order shipment.