Gnats on Ephraim’s Ox Head

Part 1 of 2 Dreams – Rosh Chodesh – April 8, 2024 – Solar Eclipse Day The Plague of Gnats on Ephraim’s Head Sets Him Apart. April 8, 2024 – Solar Eclipse – Rosh Chodesh – New Moon in Sign/Oth of Aries – The LAMB Real Life: I have recently lost vision in my left eye which means I have …

Aleph-Tav Body System Book UPDATE

For those who have purchased the Aleph-Tav Body System book from Remnant Remedy — you most likely have the 1st Edition printed 8/2021.  We have a few of them left and they are discounted BECAUSE — last week –– the REVISED 1st Edition was RELEASED! New REVISED 1st Edition, Printed 8/22 @ The REVISED REPLACEMENT PAGES for the 1st …